Monday, July 30, 2007

Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol (1964)

Black God, White Devil is a 1964 Brazilian film directed and written by Glauber Rocha. Its original Portuguese title is Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol, which translates as "God and the Devil on the Land of Sun". Considered Rocha's masterpiece, the movie stars Othon Bastos, Maurício do Valle, Yoná Magalhães and Geraldo Del Rey. It belongs to the Cinema Novo movement, addressing the socio-political problems of 1960s Brazil.
Luis Buñuel claimed that Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol (Black God, White Devil ) was ‘the most beautiful thing I have seen in more than a decade, filled with a savage poetry.’ Rocha's second feature stems from the director’s deep fascination with the mystical legends and folk traditions of the scarred and barren region in northeastern Brazil. The powerful, mind-bending imagery details the saga of two murderous peasants and a messianic priest whose disturbing and violent beliefs threaten the Catholic Church. Rocha’s dazzling masterpiece is a cry for man to determine his own path.


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